Dad Blames Daughter's Lateness on Bruce Springsteen

A dad has apologised to his daughter’s school for her turning up late, blaming Bruce Springsteen, who he took the 12-year-old to see the previous night and who played for three-and-a-half hours.

Patrick Pipino and daughter Isabelle attended the Boss’s gig in Albany and he wasn’t expecting the 66-year-old to still have the energy for such an epic set. He told ABC News that both his daughters are fans of the New Jersey veteran, preferring to listen to his older stuff. Perhaps there should be some Thunder Road or Born to Run on the Alternative Toddler Playlist.

Pipino compared Isabelle’s experience to what it would be like if other kids met God in this cheeky but honest letter.

Bruce Springsteen makes a child late for school


Of course, he’s wrong – there is no way God would be able to keep up the sort of energy that Springsteen has on stage. Having watched him a few times (Bruce not God), I’m astounded he’s the same age as my dad. When I told my dad this, the former teacher replied, “yes, but could Springsteen handle taking Year 9 for drama?” I guess we’ll never know.

All worked out well for Pipino, with his letter going viral on Facebook and the man himself even retweeting the story:

You never see God retweeting stuff people write about him do you?

About bewildereddad 402 Articles
I'm Jim Coulson, a West Yorkshire dad blogger, content writer and radio presenter who loves heading out around Yorkshire with my kids and exploring the best family activities.

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