A Reddit user posted a selfie from the delivery room as his wife endured the late stages of labour, leading to congratulations and dire warnings from other posters on the site.
The man, who goes by the username gilsolano12, insisted that his other half had asked for a picture, which soon went viral, to illustrate what their faces looked like as their child was born. His explanation was met with a torrent of comments such as “Aw. See, this is kind of like when she says “No! I don’t want anything for our anniversary. Just a card is fine.”
The original poster went on to explain that it was meant for his wife’s brothers, showing them how the labour was going. Apparently she had found it funny and enjoyed hearing the comments before eventually giving birth to a healthy 7lb 6oz girl.
Whatever the resolution, this has to rate as a labour room no-no. As luck would have it, I have become a vlogger for Dad Channel, a great concept co-created by radio presenter Jason King, and we are releasing a host of videos on Monday 16th November which recount our experiences of the labour room and offer advice for dads-to-be, including what not to do. Here’s a teaser of my video:
You can find out more about Dad Channel at the website and make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel too.
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