Parents Take Name Inspiration from Comics, Phones and Shampoo

Thor and Loki have made an appearance on a list of baby names given to children last year, according to the National Record of Scotland in its annual report. It could be that the parents were fans of Norse mythology, but the likelihood is they were inspired by characters in Marvel’s Avengers films.

Other names received by children in Scotland in 2015 included Ptarmigan, Timotei (TIMOTEI! Like the shampoo!) and Siri, who will undoubtedly be a nightmare when (s)he gets to school, steadfastly refusing to answer anyone’s questions in a straightforward or accurate manner. Even the actual Siri isn’t sure those parents made the right move.

Siri doesn't like its name

There were two girls called Mercedes and Porsche, but no Skoda unfortunately, and music was represented by a Paloma (as in Faith), a Shakira (like the Colombian chanteuse whose, and I quote, “breasts are small and humble, so you don’t confuse them with mountains”), a Bowie and two Axls (after Mr. Rose).

I have complained since my daughter was born that Disney nicked her name and made it look like we had been inspired by Frozen, but these people seem happy to pay homage to shampoo (would twins have been called Wash and Go?) and the useless voice control thingy on your phone. It truly is a bizarre world in which we live.

The worrying thing is that, when next year’s list of popular baby names comes out, there are likely to be at least five Boaty McBoatfaces staring back at you from the page.

About bewildereddad 402 Articles
I'm Jim Coulson, a West Yorkshire dad blogger, content writer and radio presenter who loves heading out around Yorkshire with my kids and exploring the best family activities.


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  1. A Fifth of Parents Regret their Name Choice – Bewildered Dad

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