We’re into the 20s, which means Christmas is just around the corner and we won’t have to think up any more of these. I’m really enjoying the results, but with Seth constantly teething, trying to stay creative on no sleep is really testing Jill and me. Still, I’m chuffed with how it’s gone so far and today’s Dadvent picture is another corker:
Seth is a Wise Man, riding to Bethlehem on a donkey (Elsa). This is the donkey outfit Elsa wore for her pre-school Christmas performance while they sang Alice the Camel, as in “Alice the Camel has three humps, so go, Alice, go…be dum dum dum.”
This isn’t to be confused with Alastair Campbell, who one parent thought they were singing about. The former spin doctor is humpless, as far as I know.
See the full calendar so far at the Dadvent page.
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