Parents who are subjected to daily viewings of Disney’s hit film Frozen will either be cheering at the thought of a little variety entering their lives soon, or despondent at the prospect of spending more time with Elsa, Anna and Olaf the Snowman after the news was leaked that production has begun on a sequel to the biggest-grossing animated film ever.
With toys from the movie topping the Christmas lists of its young fans this year, a follow-up was pretty much inevitable but Idina Menzel, who voices Elsa, has finally confirmed that it is “in the works” when pushed on whether the characters would be back together both on-screen and on the stages of the West End and Broadway. That is in addition to a Frozen-branded short film and ice show which are said to be imminent.
This website has its own reasons for dreading the return of the franchise but it seems that Frozen will now be inescapable for the next few years at least.
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