I’ve been compiling this on and off for a while, but here it is – The Alternative Toddler Playlist. The antidote to nursery rhymes and Sing and Sign and all the other nonsense music you listen to with your kids because you are ‘supposed’ to. Here’s a selection of child-friendly indie, alternative, hip hop, reggae and ska tunes that you and your offspring will both enjoy.
It’s up on the two big streaming sites and has been a collaboration between me and you and there’s room for more. Have a listen, enjoy dancing around with your kids and then shoot me a message with any additions you think will work. I’ll might well add them on.
Click for your favoured streaming service:
It’s worth noting that the Beastie Boys’ track is listed as “explicit” on Apple Music but it isn’t. It does mention the word ‘erection’, but not like that. Honest.
Look how much Elsa enjoys the playlist:
Take a look at the Alternative Toddler Playlist page to find out more.
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