Leader of the Free World's Daughters Hate His Dad Jokes

Things are rough for Barack Obama; after a battering in the mid-term elections, now he’s been shown up on telly by his daughters Sasha and Malia who were less than impressed with a stream of presidential dad gags.

At the annual pardoning of the turkeys, a Thanksgiving tradition, Obama grasped the opportunity to punt for a post-White House career as a stand-up comedian with jokes about saving the turkeys from a “terrible and delicious fate” and about how this would be the “most talked about Executive Action this month”.

The assembled press chuckled along but his daughters, as pointed out by Buzzfeed, did not. Wheeled out to promote their father’s family values, they couldn’t even muster a sarcastic titter as the First Dad stumbled perilously close to pulling a coin from behind their ears and answering the question about how long dinner is going to be by saying “just a normal plate sized”.

For more deadpan reactions to dad jokes, take a look at this Dad Gag tweet.

See the whole Obama horror here:

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About bewildereddad 402 Articles
I'm Jim Coulson, a West Yorkshire dad blogger, content writer and radio presenter who loves heading out around Yorkshire with my kids and exploring the best family activities.

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